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domingo, 27 de enero de 2008

East Wing Entrance

In some way, I realize that the only thing that truly makes me laugh a lot in this fucking jungle is SCRUBS tv show.......without mention Dr. Cox (because he deserves an honorific mention) I notice that even when you have a lot of things in your some way bambi comes to make something stupid and you...just laugh and say: "hooo bambi, you are such a jerk"......anyway.

I´ve always wondering about the future....about what do I want, about what do I deserve....and as usual.....peoples does not care a fucking I learned with that sarcastic way that Dr. Cox have to tell the awful truth, that:

  1. Does not matter how good you are at all, always you have to ask for a little love
  2. does not matter what you deserve....always have what they want
  3. does not matter if you believe or not....the answer is always "mneh"

And the most important thing is:

There will be always a bambi inside us....and it will be a Dr.Cox outside waiting you for kick you in the ass.

So........get the things flow and start being more sarcastic.

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

here we are again......

so many times saw my years go by...throug the glass of the eternity desire

with my hands cold and the mirror on my wall totally broken

i started to joking about my life and hidde all those fucking tears everytime i hear your voice telling me sweet words that come out from your mouth...........

I put my wishes in a empty box.....and after all this time I'll keep imagine that you are mine and I'll be yours......but nothing....why am i sad?

My way is unlight and the road I follow is not the same as you....but i don´t feel ashamed of.......

Because even if my body is so fucking cold right now maybe my heart is still a little bit warm.......

But does not care..............because I´m still standing in front........of them.

sábado, 12 de enero de 2008

Damien Rice at Four Seasons -Delicate -

that is all begins¡¡¡¡


We might kiss when we are alone
When nobody's watching}
We might take it home
We might make out when nobody's there
It's not that we're scared
It's just that it's delicate
So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why do you sing
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all?
We might live like never before
When there's nothing to give
Well how can we ask for more
We might make love in some sacred place
The look on your face is delicate
So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why do you sing
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all?
So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why do you sing
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all? love¡¡¡¡

a cup of coffe...............

a nice talk....................

a bautiful smile..........

a bright eyes..............

a perfect dream......................

a secret place............

a skin contact....................

a tender kiss..........................

a strange fear..........................

a risk..........................

a different feeling.....................

a true tear.........................

a few drinks........................

a full moon..........................

a nice hotel room...............

a pefect body.....................

a desition...........................

and you wake up in my bed love?????......yes, I´m pretty sure.

............and after always Damien Rice keep singing.

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008

I Need Questions¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Somebody could say........"No, what you need are answers"..... nou......what i need are questions¡¡¡ in fact a lot

why i can´t leave you behind?
why i´m not a vampire?
why does not she effort more?
why does the other she makes me fly in that way?
why I can't leave to see SPACED in you tube?
....mmmmmmmm and the list goes on, and on, and on...while pete doehrty....tell me how he was forgiven for all his sins........