I've always been thinking that the circunstances make you do stupid things or taking bad desitions....bbut well, is better to take a desition than not taking it and then regret for that.
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En personalidad
As an experience.......I should say that, not always fliyng is a very good experience, I´ve knew people who was afraid of flying or had a bad experience on the plains, but, I can sure you, that the probabilities that you die in a plane crash are really shorts.
The people really do not understand that everytime that you buy a plane ticket, you buy also a lot of rules that you have to follow, this is a complete issue, becuse of the mot of the cases we can´t do anything to help people.
I´m talking about this, just becuse, i used to work in an airplane company, and everytime we had problems, the people gone crazy, sometimes we, as a clients, should understand that there are things that are not in our hands, like weather or maintance problems, as an employee i can say that the answer for the passengers is always the same: "it is more important your safety, that a few minutes on time", but the just simply don´t understand.
There are a lot of reasons why a plane gets delayed, from a maintance incident to air traffic and in the lesser cases a delay because of the weather.
Anyway, the next time you will take a plane:
And remember this: A plane flights over 10.000 feets, if your plane goes down, don't worry you´ll be death by the time the plane crash on earth, and that´s because you surely have a heart-attack, because your heart longs at least betwen 15 or 20 seconds to stop.
So, don´t be afraid, even, you will be closer from good, and He surely listen your prayers.......nearly.
Camine a la salida mientras encendia un cigarrillo, las luces blancas iluminaban mi cara, yo, buscaba, hasta la salida, baje la cabeza y pense:
"Gracias Rock por estos momentos, ojala me hubieras dado una cosa mas, para la proxima.......seguro........para la proxima"